
This website came to life as a personal blog in 2015, when I was looking for a place to share my handmade creations.

I discovered my mom’s old sewing machine in 2014, a machine that was given to here when she got married.

She taught me how to sew simple skirts and I was instantly hooked on sewing, wanting to learn more and more!

The worldwide web showed me the way in this with the many tutorials, patterns and blogs that are available, and the passion kept growing.

As mentioned, I decided to start my own blog in 2015 as an archive for the things I was sewing then.

I gave it the name ‘Bel’Etoile’, a combination of a part of my own name ‘Bel’ (from Isabel) and ‘Etoile’, the French word for star (my eldest daughter is named ‘Sterre’ which means ‘star’ in Dutch).

After a while, I took an interest in drafting patterns, I found out how to do that, followed some lessons and released my first pattern in 2018!

For now, I can’t get enough of the designing process, so I keep going, with lots of love:-).


Passion is energy.
Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you

Oprah Winfrey